Resources for Families

Parents and caregivers are the most important people in a baby or young child’s world. Here are some resource pages about social emotional health and wellness for young children.

Sketch of dad and daughter

It Starts with Babies

The clinging struggle with separation. The teary-eyed worry when they can’t find you quickly. The fussing when you need to leave them with another caregiver. These can be some of the most tension-filled moments on the parenting journey and yet these feelings and behaviors are healthy for little ones to have. Young children learn how to adapt with change through goodbyes and hellos with their loved ones. This is one of the ways they can learn to develop trust. Here are some tips for helping your baby or toddler with separation.

Download It Starts with Babies - PDF (opens in a new tab)

Sketch of man sitting under tree

Parents: Stress Less

As a parent, life is often pulling you and your thoughts in a hundred different directions. This can be stressful. We know a small amount of stress can sometimes be a good thing. It keeps you on your toes to do your best job. It motivates you to plan and follow-through to keep things running smoothly. But more than a little stress for an extended period of time can be overwhelming. No matter what your stress level – low, medium, or high – it is important to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself, after all, is supporting your child and family as it helps you to be an even more responsive and effective parent.

Download Parents: Stress Less - PDF (opens in a new tab)

Sketch of preschoolers with backpack

Preschooler’s Backpack

Social emotional learning can help children adjust to changes in the care routine, including learning ways to make friends, face new challenges, and solve problems. When children have the emotional support and skills to cope with different feelings and changes, they are better prepared to learn in the classroom. Think of your child’s brain and body as an “invisible backpack” that holds and helps carry tools for success like the skills mentioned above. You, alongside other important adults in your child’s life, can continue to help fill the backpack! Here are some ideas.

Download Preschooler’s Backpack - PDF (opens in a new tab)

Sketch of bib and sippy cup

Daily Routines

Throughout the day there are many opportunities for you to have a positive impact on the social and emotional development of your child. Here are some great examples of how you can make simple, daily routines have a big impact.

Download Daily Routines - PDF (opens in a new tab)

Sketch of two parents and their kids

Kids Social/Emotional Health

Babies brains grow and develop through their relationships with loving, dependable adults. Children need adults to model and teach ABC’s and 123’s. The same is true for social and emotional skills! Here is some information about social and emotional development from birth through age 8.

Download Kids Social/Emotional Health - PDF (opens in a new tab)

For more information about Infant and Early Childhood Consultation, please contact us.