Resources for ECE Providers and Home Visitors

If you are a childcare provider or home visitor interested in learning more about our model, please contact us.

Professional Development Opportunities on MiRegistry

For fiscal year 2025, we have some virtual professional development opportunities to support challenging behavior and increase social and emotional development.

Download Flyer (opens in a new tab)

Sketch of therapist meeting with family

What Is IECMHC in ECE?

Just like snowflakes, children are all unique. These examples are some, but not all, of the reasons you might seek support for a child’s mental health or social and emotional development. Sometimes children may need more support handling strong feelings like worry, anger, frustration, and fear; learning to approach others, and building friendships.

Download What Is IECMHC in ECE? - PDF (opens in a new tab)

Sketch of woman sitting and journaling

Childcare Provider Self-Care

Being an early childhood educator can be rewarding and exhausting. Young children depend on you to place their needs first and you give a great deal of time and energy to these young children, as well as those who support them. In doing so, you may not reserve the same amount of time and care for yourself. Here are some ideas to help you take care of yourself.

Download Childcare Provider Self-Care - PDF (opens in a new tab)

Sketch of bib and sippy cup

Daily Routines in ECE Settings

Throughout the day there are many opportunities for you to have a positive impact on the social and emotional development of the children in your care. Here are some great examples of how you can make simple, daily routines have a big impact.

Download Daily Routines in ECE Settings - PDF (opens in a new tab)

For more information about Infant and Early Childhood Consultation, please contact us.